Professional indemnity insurance is a type of insurance that has been designed to protect you should any problem arises with the professional services that you have done. Since these are very litigious times and that you can be sued by unhappy customers simply for not being satisfied with your services, having professional indemnity insurance is…
With so many different businesses and companies competing these days, it is very challenging to come up with new and exciting ways to be able to keep your own business continuously growing and still be able to earn as much as it can. Because of the increase of technology as well as the changing times,…
As a professional, liability insurance is a no-brainer. Your business is far too precious to even consider leaving it exposed, which is why many professionals choose to – or are required to – purchase professional liability insurance as part of a comprehensive business insurance policy. Once you’ve selected and built your business owners’ policy, now…
The oil and gas industry is what keeps every country moving. Without it, many transportation and business will go to a halt. Those who are involved in the oil and gas business sector are in a very challenging industry. While their product or commodity is very valuable, it is also very volatile and can go…